Kuschelhöhlen für Katzen günstig kaufen

Kuschelhöhlen in modernem Paisley-Design von der CanadianCat Company
Kuschelhöhlen in modernem Paisley-Design von der CanadianCat Company read more »
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Kuschelhöhlen für Katzen günstig kaufen
Kuschelhöhlen in modernem Paisley-Design von der CanadianCat Company
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Katzen Filztunnel XXL | hellgrau/dunkelgrau | ca. 120 x 30 cm
Cats felt tunnel XXL | light gray / dark gray |...
The two-part designer felt tunnel by CanadianCat, in a playful and modern design, offers your ...
€49.90 *
NEKO Beistelltisch mit Katzenhöhle inkl. Kratzpappe - Anthrazit | 43 x 43 x 70 cm
NEKO side table with cat cave including...
NEKO - the side table with cat cave, a luxury for cats and people. This innovative design ...
from €129.90 *
instead: €149.90 *
Katzenhöhle in Kugelform | Katzenkugel - ca. Ø 46 cm
Ball-shaped cat cave - Ø approx. 46 cm
With this model, the CanadianCat Company impresses again with a high-quality felt on the outside ...
from €19.90 *
instead: €24.90 *
Katzen Filztunnel XXL | beige/braun | ca. 120 x 35 cm
Cats felt tunnel XXL | beige / brown | approx....
The two-part designer felt tunnel from CanadianCat, in a playful and modern design, offers your ...
€49.90 *
Katzenbett Windsor - Design- Katzenkorb | Teddy weiß-gold
Pet Bed Windsor - Design sleeping place | Teddy...
The generous lying surface of this luxury model offers enough space to snooze and dream on the ...
€119.90 *
Katzenbett Manitoba | Schlafplatz aus Bananengeflecht | Ø 60 x 18 cm
Cat Bed Manitoba - bananaleaf | Ø 60 x 18cm |...
The stylish design of the "Manitoba" made of hand-woven banana mesh combines aesthetics and ...
€49.90 *
Katzentunnel LUNA Medium - Spiel- und Schlaftunnel für Katzen
Cattunnel LUNA Medium - the play and sleep...
All cats naturally have a very pronounced cavernous instinct. Our cat tunnels live up to the ...
€14.90 *
Katzentunnel MAJA Medium - Spiel- und Schlaftunnel für Katzen
Catbed MAJA Medium - the play and sleep tunnel...
All cats naturally have a very pronounced cavernous instinct. Our cat tunnels live up to the ...
€14.90 *
Katzenschiff MAJA - Design Schlafplatz für Katzen
Catship MAJA - Design sleeping & cuddling place...
All cats naturally have a very strong need for closeness and warmth. Our cat ship lives up to ...
€14.90 *
Katzenschiff COSMO - Design Schlafplatz für Katzen
Catship NERO - Design sleeping & cuddling place...
All cats naturally have a very strong need for closeness and warmth. Our cat ship lives up to ...
€14.90 *
Katzentunnel NERO Medium - Spiel- und Schlaftunnel für Katzen
Cattunnel NERO Medium - the play and sleep...
All cats naturally have a very pronounced cavernous instinct. Our cat tunnels live up to the ...
€14.90 *
Katzentunnel COSMO Large - Spiel- und Schlaftunnel für Katzen
Catbed COSMO Large - the play and sleep tunnel...
All cats naturally have a very pronounced cavernous instinct. Our cat tunnels live up to the ...
€14.90 *
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