Trunkhut Small
The trunk hat can be used for multiple purposes. Your birds will love sitting on it or ...
from €14.90 *
instead: €17.90 *
instead: €17.90 *
Trunkhut Large
The trunk hat can be used for multiple purposes. Your birds will love sitting on it or ...
from €19.90 *
instead: €24.90 *
instead: €24.90 *
Versele Loro Parque Mix Australi. Sittich - 1 kg
Spezialmischung für alle australischen Großsittiche, wie Nymphensittiche, Rosellas usw. . ...
1 Kg
from €6.50 *
instead: €7.35 *
instead: €7.35 *
Cork seat board X-SMALL for parakeets and small...
A piece of cork (100% natural product) attached with a screw thread with a wing nut to attach to ...
from €13.90 *
instead: €16.90 *
instead: €16.90 *
Hale and Hearty - Natur L
An absolute all-rounder!
Whether to climb or nibble on - our new hazelnut perches made by ...
from €3.49 *
instead: €4.90 *
instead: €4.90 *
Versele-Laga Exotic Nuts - 750g
Gaumenschmaus mit Nuss - das Leckerchen für alle Papageien, insbesondere für Aras & Kakadus aber ...
0,75 Kg
each 1 Kg)
from €5.50 *
instead: €6.81 *
instead: €6.81 *
Versele Loro Parque Mix African Parrot - 2,5 kg
Spezialmischung für alle afrikanischen Papageien wie Graupapagei, Kongo Papagei, ...
2,5 Kg
each 1 Kg)
from €16.50 *
instead: €17.45 *
instead: €17.45 *
PRIME 30g - Probiotika, Vitamine und Mineralien
Mit vollständigem Vitamin- und Mineralstoff-Spektrum, Aminosäuren und wertvollen Probiotika ...
0,03 Kg
each 1 Kg)
from €11.90 *
instead: €12.90 *
instead: €12.90 *
Seat board birch slice oval tree slice approx....
The seating boards are made of 100% unpriced and untreated birch. The natural bark invites your ...
from €6.90 *
instead: €8.90 *
instead: €8.90 *
Vitakraft Kräcker® Honig & Anis - für...
Die beliebten Kräcker® mit wertvollen Saaten versprechen puren Geschmack und sind eine ...
0,18 Kg
each 1 Kg)
from €2.29 *
instead: €2.99 *
instead: €2.99 *
Zigzag paper refill-set for Black-Label Toys
Colorful zigzag paper as a refill set for Wagner's black-label toys. Beautiful for birds. Or ...
from €4.90 *
instead: €8.90 *
instead: €8.90 *
Cardboard Treat Block | Sitting Board to shred...
The Cardboard Treat Block is the ideal hide-away and shredder toy at the same time. Inside the ...
from €4.90 *
instead: €6.90 *
instead: €6.90 *
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